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Sustainability at Usha Yarns

Sustainability is the core of our business and it goes beyond offering green products. It is our resolve to meaningfully contribute to the global effort by reducing carbon footprints, using fewer natural resources, consuming textile waste and to complete the loop in the textile value chain.

We are committed to produce and promote pure recycled textiles, to support the rising demand of eco-friendly materials, from sustainable brands, across the globe. We shall endeavor to take a holistic approach by adopting green alternatives which are zero discharge, closed loop, and renewables. Our sustainability goals are targeted as per the key following principles.

Responsible Products

Cotton is always the preferred natural source of textile material in the fashion industry, but utilizing 2.5% of the world’s arable land, and accounting for 16% of all pesticides used. We dedicate ourselves to a completely responsible textile and reduce our dependency on virgin sources by adopting recycled fiber spinning at the heart of our strategy. We aim to produce high outputs without compromising our policy to use only recyclable waste inputs like garment cutting and PET waste.


We actively take responsibility to save water and reduce pollution by replacing yarn dyeing, which consumes intense water and chemicals by producing dyed yarns in a dry process, without having used any water or chemical. We intend to reduce water wastage and recycle it.


Reduce our dependencies on conventional energy sources are at the forefront of Usha Yarns targets. Our dry processes are aimed to not only reduce water consumption but also allow us to save major amounts of energy annually. We are committed to follow IGBC guidelines for building green infrastructure to reduce artificial lights and air conditioning systems. Follow strict machine cleaning and maintenance schedules to avoid break downs and energy losses. Our aim is to transfer step by step laydown to renewable energy sources.


The textile process consumes huge amounts of chemicals at various production stages like fiber production, dyeing, treating and finishing. These chemicals can lead to allergic reactions, respiratory diseases, and increased potential of cancer for humans. Usha Yarns has a strict policy to not use any hazardous chemicals in our production process.


Reduce CO2 emissions by replacing traditional dyeing with dry dyeing strategy we are able to cut down CO2 emissions to its minimum. Keep measuring our air, noise and stack emissions to mark and follow the environmental safety norms. We have set our vision to build a healthy environment around our production to create a comfortable and eco-friendly work culture for our employees.


We are committed to follow circular economic practices to meet the environmental challenges of the future. Thus, we use post and pre consumer waste as our primary raw material source for producing recycled textiles. Our goal is to close the textile loop and achieve zero discharge, zero waste.


Companies are people, and people have to be cared. At Usha Yarns employee welfare is at the core of our strategy. We are taking care of the health of our employees and offering them regular health check-ups and medical insurance. We plan several activities such as Health Seminars, Awareness Workshops, Yoga, Meditation and Fitness Camps, with Emergency Services to keep our employees’ health in great condition.


We strive our best to ensure a safe working environment for our employees. We want to promote and protect our employees by a wide range of initiatives such as conducting monthly training on health care, hygiene, and safety first, following strict policies and also safety measures on our equipments. We are committed to our strict policies on the exclusion of child labor, smoking, sexual abuse and harassment at our workplace.


Happy employees are the best employees.We believe that a workplace should be more than just work. We are working to improve our community by addressing women’s empowerment, supporting primary education, and employment for youth in close communities.

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.